Funny things our kids have said... Enjoy!
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"Let me smell your air"
Amy Grace... "Let me smell your breath"
"What is 'surround cake'?"
Wesley... translated "What is spelunking"
"Daddy, is Tyrone better?"
Wesley, at random times. He was watching when Tyrone Prothro broke his leg against Florida.
"Drump Kupk."
Wesley - "Dump truck"
"When are you going to have a grown-up party again? You know, the kind where no one has fun."
"...the Great Thorned Owl..."
"Mama, Amy Grace is crying. Go milk her."
"Parker, why is the moon spit in half?"
"I haven't had a splinter in a long time."
Wesley, in the car, out of the blue.
"Mama, my neck is hot inside... I think I need a drink."
"Why do we live on a cul-de-cycle?"
"Daddy, did you turn off the rain?"
Wesley, after going under an overpass in the rain.
"What's this thing inside my skin? Probably my meat."
Wesley, pointing at a scrape on his arm.
Wesley at Dunkin' Donuts, when asked what kind of doughnut he wanted.
"What does the inside of bird poop look like?"
"What else is a street made for?"
(Note that there was no lead-in to this question... no prior conversation, etc. Just this question out of the blue.)
"What does it look like under the road?"
"Feel the back of my hair."
Wesley to a small group of surprised men (complete strangers) at the mall, shortly after getting his hair cut:
"How do rabbits talk?"
"Thanks for pickin' out somethin' I can scratch my arms in."
Wesley, after Daddy selected tank top pajamas for him.
"Daddy, have you ever seen a redneck?"
Parker, after the word "redneck" was used (in humor) in the Sunday morning sermon.
"That cat thinks the goldfish are real fish -- like toastfish."
Wesley, about a neighborhood cat who helped himself to Wesley's goldfish crackers while we were playing outside.
"If Army men are itchy, they just scratch. ...but not the driver."
Wesley, while washing dishes with Dad. Your guess is as good as mine!
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The End.